
The astrology chart is a blueprint of the heavens when you were born. Every sign and placement of planets has meaning and purpose as well as shadow and light. Understanding the key placements gives you the opportunity to be the higher octave or lower. Sometimes just knowing helps us to evolve into higher states of consciousness. I was drawn to shamanic astrology because it really restores the original intent behind each sign and treats them as mystery schools to learn and develop a deeper understanding of each one. Knowing thyself is such a life long process and astrology can be quite validating when dealing with the difficult aspects. This also can help with boundaries and understanding where you begin and end in the world. In my foundational readings we will explore your key placements and the elements they are in to better create harmony with in the chart. This offering is great for parents who want to know more about the nature of their child’s energy in order to support them fully. I also apply the astrology chart to any of the other offerings I have as it is important part of understanding the self and self development. This understanding applied in real time will lead to the conscious awareness of the different energies that you are working with.

This astrology offering is $222.00